Klaus Saller

posted in: Allgemein | 0

Managing Director

Following his studies in law and eco­nomics at the universities Frei­burg and Heidel­berg, Klaus Saller started his career as a lawyer in an inter­national solicitors’ office in Munich with a focus on business and tax law. After­wards he gained extensive industry ex­perience in the tech­no­logy sector at Siemens AG (Semi­conductor Division – later Infineon Tech­nologies AG) as well as with SAP AG in Walldorf.

Birgit Neugebauer

Management Consultant

After her studies of business eco­nomics with an emphasis on tourism, Birgit Neugebauer focused her activities on fran­chise systems for the tourism industry. Mrs. Neugebauer has sig­nificant ex­perience in sales and distri­bution, adopting dif­ferent res­pons­ibilities in the course of wor­king for several inter­national conglomerates.

Klaus Strobl

posted in: Allgemein | 0

Senior Management Consultant

Klaus Strobl has more than 20 years ex­perience as a law­yer and hu­man re­sour­ces manager in ser­vice busines­ses and in­du­stri­al enter­prises (e.g. Hypo­Ver­eins­bank, In­fin­eon, Media­-Sa­turn). Dur­ing that time he be­came quali­fied as a me­di­ator. Build­ing on his broad and pract­ical ex­perience in human re­sources manage­ment and due to his inter­disciplinary skills